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Groups & Friends

Volunteer Matrix does more with and for volunteer groups than any other volunteer software available. We have multiple ways of handling volunteer Groups with minimal organization interaction and effort. Any part of the Group components of the Volunteer Matrix system can be disabled if desired, or the system can be set to accept groups only. Groups can also be set to "Approval Required". The system can also be configured such that when a group leader indicates 10 volunteers, that number is reserved for them, or so that the number reserved is based on the actual names selected for the shifts.
Volunteer Matrix has multiple ways of handling groups of volunteers (people who know each other, work at the same place, attend the same church, etc). Volunteer Matrix can be configured to do any one of the top three, or any combination of them in the even you handle different groups differently.

Leader Only Groups

The group leader/contact will register themselves, then create their group(s) and schedule their groups. There are no opportunities for the group leader to add group members. The main benefit of this type is it's simplicity on the group leader side. A negative is that very often you might have wanted those group members information.

Static Groups

Group Leaders are able to create their volunteer group themselves online, then schedule any portion of the group members immediately on each shift. They have the option of providing their group members information, and selecting each specific set of group members participating on each shift. They are even able to break up the group, and schedule different members on the same dates on different shifts or projects. The group leader is able to schedule their group without providing any group members information, and are then expected (and instructed in the automated emails) to ensure the correct number of people show up on their scheduled shifts. Group members are able to add & remove themselves from their group dates.

Dynamic Groups

The group leader/contact will register, create their group, and schedule all of their members. The main difference here is that they can only schedule as many members as they enter as members. There can be no unknown volunteers which the leader is expected to ensure attends the shift. A positive of this type group is that you do get 100% of all volunteers email addresses, and most often they do respond to the request to register, and provide all their details. The negative of this is some groups don't want all their members to have to register with the organization before the shift.

No Public Created Groups

The volunteer groups options can be entirely disabled on the public side, allowing your administrative staff to create and schedule groups as you desire. You can also simply not use any group features.
Of these four above, your site may use any one, or any combination of the group types as you feel best suits your goals.
The following are features that work with but are also independent of volunteer groups (and may also work with individuals).


Volunteers are able to "Friend" other volunteers also registered on the site. As Friends, they are able to see on the volunteer calendars where their other Friends are currently scheduled. Friends are able to message each other on the site as well. Each volunteer also has a "Share Code" as part of a share-link that when the given to someone (friends, family, etc), allows them to see that persons volunteer schedule even if they are not registered or signed in. Integrated into the system is the ability to Tweet, Facebook, or email their share-link, so that their friends are able to see their schedule, and sign up for the same shifts. As part of the system, each volunteer can choose to automatically Friend their other groups members.


Volunteers are able to create their family profiles and link them together. In some ways this is similar to Groups, however with some important differences. You are able to determine set ages where unaccompanied minors are able to schedule and volunteer on their own, or accompanied minors may be scheduled by their family adults with them. Of course this is only where you specifically allow those age minors on your shifts. Any one family adult is able to schedule any members of their family very simply and in one process vs. a different process for each member of the family. You can also indicate if children under age X count against your number of volunteers for the shift.
Share Links and Access Codes used to connect volunteers to their groups automatically
During Registration
  • During the volunteer registration, you may include an option for volunteers to locate and join their volunteer group simply by having the group leaders name or email or the name of their group.

Share Links
  • Each group is automatically assigned their own Share Link, and when distributed, the person using a share link will be able to see the associated Volunteer Groups current volunteer schedule. If that person then clicks any "Sign Up" button for a date/shift, and registers, they are automatically drafted into that volunteer group, where they can then join the Volunteer Group dates.

Access Codes
  • Administrators can create Access Codes, and distribute to a Volunteer Group.
  • When used as a link or a code they enter, the Volunteer Calendar will display only the project(s) and dates associated with their Access Code, ensuring those volunteers sign up within their designated time frame and on specific projects and even shifts.
  • Access Codes can be configured to "draft" anyone who uses a Access Code into a specific volunteer Group. This is helpful so that the individuals are automatically associated with their Group just by using their Groups Access Code.
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